Jan 1 2025 BCC Feast on the Beach. At the Birmingham Canoe Club property/Mulberry Fork takeout. Level 1 ft, my favorite. In the Jackson Antix 2.0m, also my favorite. It was sunny, perhaps 60 as the high, and many people enjoyed the float and the feast after.
Photos here: https://dangerjudy.smugmug.com/Other/PADDLING/Feast-on-the-Beach-2025
Jan 2 Mulberry. Level approx 8 inches on the old bridge. In the Jackson Antix 2.0m. With Tammy P., Andy L., Jason L. Shahn W. tried to join us but he had left his helmet at home. It happens to us all - have to Count Five. Sunny, mid-50's, Training Wheels wave was great, Lunchstop was flatter than at 1 ft so a bit harder to get onto, but was great to surf. 5-0 was shallow and steep.
What does Count Five mean? It means count the five things you must have in order to whitewater kayak: your paddle, your boat, your spray-skirt, your pfd, and your helmet.
Jan 16-20 GCA Florida trip. In the Dagger Axis 10.5. Wonderful trip to paddle the springs of Florida with the Georgia Canoe Association. Now I want a Stratos 14.5s. I had a hard time keeping up with the long boats!
Google maps will tell you it's 7.5-8 hours drive to Chassahowitzka Hotel where we stayed. It's more like 9.5-10 hours. I went through Atlanta, it adds 100 miles but is the same amount of time and mostly interstate instead of little country roads.
Friday 17th - Halls-Homosassa Rivers
Saturday 18th - Pithlachascotee (Cotee) River
Sunday 19th - Withlacoochee River from the Inglis Bypass to Bird Creek Beach
Monday 20th - Chassahowitzka River then drove home. Tons of Manatees!
Photos here: https://dangerjudy.smugmug.com/Other/PADDLING/GCA-Florida-2025
Feb 1-7 Ski Steamboat Colorado. Beautiful trip including a visit to Strawberry Springs. I stayed with my friend Betsy. With Margaret W., Eva V., Trey C. and David MC.
Photos here: https://dangerjudy.smugmug.com/Other/Other-1/Steamboat-2025
Feb 15 Locust Fork. In the Jackson Antix 2.0 medium. Level 3.75. Justin C. and I were going to do Calvert Prong but it had dropped out.
Feb 16 Mill/Murphy creek and Calvert Prong. In the Pyranha Scorch medium. Mill/Murphy was minimum and manky. Calvert was high and the weather was down to 41F. I had a crappy swim on Cyclops.